To initiate a journey into the realm of Spirit Guide readings, we allow your intuition to guide you to the sacred crossroads where the veil between worlds thins.

Here, amidst the whispers of ancient wisdom and celestial melodies, I stand as your guide, ready to facilitate a meeting with our friends that walk beside us in the unseen realms.

Book a Spirit Guide or Divination Reading.

In this mystical encounter, I serve as a conduit for the energies and entities that are drawn to you at this sacred time. Through the alchemy of my intuitive and psychic gifts, I attune to the frequencies of Spirit guides, angels, and departed loved ones, inviting them to impart their timeless wisdom and divine guidance, to support and empower you. These readings bring forward messages, symbolism, guidance and a chance for you to also ask questions of your guides.


For some, you may wish to explore these conversations with Spirit through the tools of divination. Divination readings offer the use of sacred instruments, such as the magic of tarot and oracle cards, pendulums, bones, and dowsing rods. With each draw of the cards or swing of the pendulum, we unlock the secrets of the cosmos and reveal the hidden pathways that lead to enlightenment and self-discovery.


No two readings are alike, for the spirits that gather around you are as unique and can change, each bearing a message that is tailored to your soul's journey at that point in time. Whether seeking clarity, validation, or empowerment, know that the messages delivered are in the purest light of love and compassion.


You may be drawn to this mystical encounter by a sense of curiosity, a yearning for guidance, or a longing to commune with the celestial realms. Whatever your reason, approach this sacred rite with an open heart and a willing spirit, for it is through the best intentions and surrendering to the unknown that the true support you need will be revealed.


Rest assured that your energy is held in sacred trust, nurtured, and protected with the utmost care during a reading. If you have any questions or seek further insights, do not hesitate to reach out.

Please note if you are booking a face to face reading - We regret to inform you that we do not have restroom facilities on the premises. We kindly suggest ensuring any necessary visits to the restroom are made prior to your arrival. There are toilets available at several places on Bond Street such as Cafe Nero, which is opposite and also Costa coffee. Thank you for your understanding.


Please be aware that our premises are accessed via stairs, which may pose challenges for individuals with limited mobility. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and encourage you to contact us if you require any further information.


  • ‘Rather than feeling overwhelmed, Sim very calmly passed on the most poignant messages, the ones I needed to hear to help me over the coming weeks and months. It all felt very calm and reassuring, particularly when hearing from an ancestor who I was very close to, who had a message that hit me deep in the heartspace. I also got a cheeky wink from a guide who referred to something I’d only planted seeds for a week ago- giving me pepp and encouragement to do the thing! Thanks Sim 🖤’

  • ‘I had a spirit guide reading and it was amazing. So healing, validating and inspirational. It all made complete sense and I'm ready to implement some of the much needed guidance’

  • ‘ Sim really works within so many realms - it’s an incredible psychic mediumship reading’