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Senses By Sim

You are the master of your own healing journey, and your senses serve as the guiding lights along the path to rediscover your authentic self.


I guide the mystically and spiritually curious through a journey of self-discovery with energy healing, spirit connection, ritual, and ceremony.

Hi, I am Sim, an energy healer, psychic medium, witch and aromatherapist

I help the spiritually curious and those intrigued by mysticism, to embrace their shadow, reconnect to our inner guidance, intuition, rediscovering our gifts whilst empowering you to recognize your unique abilities and innate magic.

My soul purpose is to work with the senses and spiritual insight to remove blocks and stagnant energies, to reactivate your intuition so you can once again hear your calling. I understand that this path can sometimes feel awkward and confusing. This is why I can help you realign with yourself, supporting you to raise your vibrations so that you live life in a higher frequency and attract what you truly desire and deserve. By also bridging the above and the below, I help to bring guidance from beyond the physical world, from which we can receive messages of empowerment and offers of the purest love from our Spirit Guides.

Working with the senses, I connect with powerful wisdom through my spirit council and I use ancient techniques of divination, energy, sound, crystal healing and aromatherapy.

How you can work with me

  • Healings + Journeys

    Intuitive energy healings offer profound journeys to rediscover and reconnect with your true self. Through these experiences, you embark on a transformative exploration, delving into the depths of your being to unearth hidden insights, release stagnant energy, and realign with your authentic essence. Guided by intuition, these healing sessions gently guide you on a path of self-discovery, unveiling layers of consciousness, and illuminating the way to inner harmony and wholeness. With each session, you forge a deeper connection with your inner wisdom, empowering you to embrace your unique journey of growth and healing.

  • Spirit Guide + Divination

    Connecting with Spirit guides and Spirit insight can allow us to receive messages of guidance, empowerment and the purest of love. Working with our spirit guides opens a gateway to receiving messages of profound guidance, empowerment, and unconditional love. These spiritual beings, whether they are ancestors, angels, or other entities, offer insights and wisdom that transcend our earthly understanding. Through this connection, we tap into a realm of higher consciousness, where clarity reigns and divine guidance flows effortlessly. With each message received, we are uplifted, supported, and reminded of our strength and own potential. Embracing this connection allows us to navigate life's ups and downs with grace and confidence, knowing that we are always guided by forces greater than ourselves.

  • sekhem healing


    Sekhem is an ancient system of wisdom that was taught in the temples of early Egyptian times. Historically, it first emerged in Lemuria, then spread to Egypt and Atlantis, practiced and protected by the ancient healers. Sekhem involves channeling energy from the limitless sea of Living Light Energy, carrying a very high vibrational frequency and a distinctive pattern of Sirian energy. This energy promotes expanded awareness and ascension, operating through quantum entanglement. Its unconditional love provides a beautiful experience and a powerful transformational transmission.

  • Tarot + Oracle

    Tarot, an ancient form of divination and wisdom, offers profound insights and guidance through its symbolism and archetypal imagery. With each card drawn, we unlock a portal to the subconscious mind and the collective unconscious, where timeless truths and hidden wisdom reside. The tarot speaks to us in a language of symbols, offering reflections of our innermost thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Through this sacred practice, we gain access to intuitive wisdom and foresight, helping us navigate the ebbs and flows that life brings us, with clarity and insight. Tarot readings serve as a powerful tool for self-discovery, empowerment, and personal growth and guiding us toward our highest potential.

I now require full payment at the time of booking to streamline the process and secure your appointment. Just as I honour and cherish the time we spend together, I must also value my time with the same love and care. 

You are welcome to reschedule up to 24 hours before your appointment without any penalty through the reschedule option in your email confirmation. In the event of unforeseen circumstances within the 24-hour period before your appointment, I will always do my best to accommodate a reschedule. The best way to do this is to inform me as soon as you can by email. This approach ensures balance and fairness, allowing me to provide the most nurturing and attentive service possible to all my cherished clients.